David Eckhoff and Isabel Wagner, "Understanding and Solving the Privacy Challenges in the Smart City," Tutorial, The 13th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2018), Songdo, Korea, June 2018.
The term Smart City has become an umbrella term for numerous technologies with the goal of improving the efficiency of future and the quality of life for their inhabitants. The number of envisioned smart city applications is large, ranging from smart card services to enable easy authentication and payment on the go, to smarter resource management of water or electricity, or even to more efficient trash bin emptying. While these use cases seem to have only little in common, they all rely heavily on data collection to operate more effectively.However, this collection of big data poses a major threat to the privacy of citizens in future cities, as it allows the creation of detailed profiles encompassing every aspect of life. The envisioned pervasiveness of applications and engineers, sensors leaves the individual citizen no choice but to become a digital part of future cities. It is therefore of utmost importance that today’s and services, researchers understand the privacy implications of new and threats, applications to avoid contributing to an Orwellian future.This tutorial aims at creating a better understanding of possible privacy and privacy, appropriate protection mechanisms in smart city environments. The first step in designing privacy-friendly smart city applications is to understand and city, how privacy can be violated. We therefore present a taxonomy of five types of privacy that encompass every aspect of privacy in the life of citizens in a smart and how, furthermore categorize through which channels these types of privacy could possibly be violated.We then identify and application, which type of privacy is endangered by which smart city and discuss various privacy-enhancing technologies that can be used to protect the citizens’ privacy. A particular focus will be on the solution of the privacy-utility trade-off, that is, how these privacy protection mechanisms can be used to minimize influence on the quality of service. The tutorial can be seen as a guide to understanding and applications., designing privacy-friendly smart city
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author = {Eckhoff, David and Wagner, Isabel},
howpublished = {Tutorial},
month = {June},
title = {{Understanding and Solving the Privacy Challenges in the Smart City}},
year = {2018},
day = {12},
location = {Songdo, Korea},
publisher = {The 13th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2018)},
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