Dr. David Eckhoff

I am a Principal Scientist and the Director of the MoVES Lab at TUMCREATE, Singapore. My research focuses on future transportation technologies, simulation, the smart city, and privacy.


Visit of State Secretary Odenwald

8th July 2017

TUMCREATE hosted a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) led by State Secretary Mr. Michael Odenwald. I gave a presentation on the current research activities in my group. The discussion included sharing on Intelligent Transport Systems, as Singapore and Germany both face issues pertaining to public transport, emission reduction, and autonomous vehicles.

LNI Dissertation Award Talks

23rd May 2017

I travelled to Germany to present my thesis to the committee of the GI Dissertation Award. The event took place at Schloss Dagstuhl with a total of 30 talks from nominees from all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland. The quality of these talks was high throughout, and it was very refreshing to learn about the advances in all these different fields of computer science.

Related Links
Report of the event on the dagstuhl website

Related Publications
David Eckhoff, "Simulation von Privatsphärenschutz in Fahrzeug-Ad-hoc-Netzen," in GI LNI Dissertations Band 17 - Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2016, Steffen Hölldobler (Ed.), Köllen, 2018, pp. 51-60. [bib BibTeX, pdf PDF and Details]
David Eckhoff, "Simulation of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, March 2016. (Advisor: Reinhard German; Referee: Björn Scheuermann) [bib BibTeX, pdf PDF and Details]

World Metrology Day 2017

19th May 2017

I participated in a panel discussion about "Smart Mobility for Land Transport" chaired by the Director of IBM Research Dr Laura Wynter. This event was held at the World Metrology Day 2017 in Singapore hosted by the A*STAR National Metrology Centre (NMC) and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA).

Related Links
Event Website at A*STAR

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